
Ok so I want you all to know how utterly thrilled I was to see the apron that I bought for Stacey was being put to good use, however Jake I was just as happy to see that you are wearing shorts under it.

So October in New York cannot get much better than this we had a great day. I awoke this morning at 7am (normal) to George sitting on the potty, shouting "I'm done" and a stench wafting into my bedroom (also normal). Finn then emerged asking if he could watch TV to which I replied "yer if its got something to do with Jesus cos its Sunday". I went back to bed until 9am, I was awoken for the second time to Marge standing in the doorway shouting "good morning". The thought went through my head.... yes, I do love my life.

I got up made frozen waffles, after dressing Marge and switched on my yummy new MacBook, that my ultra yummy husband bought me this week for my 30th birthday. BYU was up in a flash and I made sandwiches for the Ashworth/Hettinger picnic at Freedom Park whilst listening to pre-conference TV. It was not as bad as I thought it was gonna be.

Isaac arose at 11, we're supposed to be leaving at 11.30 (welcome to Motherhood girls). By this time I had dressed myself, showered the boys, dressed them for church, packed a picnic and gathered conference activities and church appropriate books and placed them in the church bag.

We left the house 10 minutes late and made it in time for the 1st speaker. Conference was great... wasn't it? I think this is the first year ever that I have listened the whole time without my brain shutting down and my eyes drooping whilst the words of the prophets and apostles are vibrating/echoing inside of my head. "Not bad" I thought... "maybe I have finally grown up".

The picnic was great Suzanne (your Mum) and I relocated our chairs and blankets further up the hill as the sun dropped in the sky and Bill (your Dad) found a new best friend in a stray dog named Dutchess. Bill also talked to all inhabitants of the park including the couple flying the model helicopter that according to Bill had the wrong oil-gas mix. By the time he was finished he knew their complete background, likes and dislikes. I am telling you this is why I enjoy life, being with your Dad makes me feel normal, even if it is just one afternoon every once in a while.

Happiness is not worth looking forward to unless it is felt every day. I have felt pure joy only a couple of times in my life and one of those times I was lying on the floor with Isaac beside me and the boys were playing and reading in the same room and I closed my eyes and knew that this was what heaven feels like, I was literally floating. No Jess, I had not just taken any illegal drugs.

So I asked Finn today what Jesus movie he watched this morning and he said "Tom Sawyer".


I love it Eve!!! It was a great day! Thanks so much for posting and keep them coming! I didn't know this was a big birthday for you!! You little sneak.
Stacey said…
Eve.....he was NOT wearing shorts underneath! and you are a great writer!
Geckie said…
oh how i love those ashworths...
happy belated birthday.
don't worry, i know you were just high on life.... or were you? haha

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