A Challenge

So Jake and I have been watching a lot of tv and decided to take pick at least one day of the week and not turn on the TV at all. We challenge you guys to do the same. We are going to do Mon ( our fam home evening day). So, we challenge you guys to do the same...no TV, no movies, and no excessive internet surfing for one day a week. Go for a walk, a hike, start reading a book together, clean, make dinner together, do random service for people you don't know, go to bed early! Let me know how it all goes!


I think that's a great idea. Sounds like a Sunday to me, but I am sure you mean another day of the week other than Sunday. I am going to talk to Dad about it. I am trying to get Dad to blog again. I'll let you know what we come up with.
Laura said…
Yeah, they didn't go for it but we do have reading time Sunday-Thursday. That last hour of the day before bed is nice and quiet around here. (although Brian sometimes leaves the news on while he's reading)
Stacey said…
hey...im proud of you for trying! today was our no tv day....it was really nice, i went for a walk, then we read scriptures together, and made some goals, and then.....i tried cutting jake's hair. apparently not one of my talents! lets just say...his crew cut look great on him!
Sounds like a nice night. Dad said we are going to do it...either Wednesday night or Thursday night....he has to check the TV listings first!

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