Jake's political views

this is a post jake made to his friends from utah, but I thought since Jake rarely writes on here, or in general, i would share his thoughts on politics!

"Ok, here's the deal. I have to get this off my back. All my life, I have been a Republican, but it hasn't been until the last couple years of my life when I actually became Politically interested. After returning from my mission I have become somewhat partial to the Conservative "sect" (not to be confused with "Republican", for they are slightly different). "Some conservatives seek to preserve the status quo or to reform society slowly, while others seek to return to the [possibly religious] values of an earlier time (Wiki)." Pure republicans, on another hand, have the thought of "the ideology of governing a nation as a republic, with an emphasis on liberty, rule of law, popular sovereignty and the civic virtue practiced by citizens (choosing political leaders who share your ideals, to make important decisions in government)."By being exposed to the national Right-Wing Conservative Political Radio shows that strongly beset the AM radio-waves, I have become fairly, dare I say, brainwashed to be a conservative. But in a recent discussion with a good friend of mine, I was confronted with the question, "If God was President [of the U.S.] would he allow homosexuality (please don't be offended by the topic at hand, a certain few or one of you)?" After a somewhat timely contemplation of the question, I responded with, "Yes, he would. Otherwise he would be limiting our agency." Although God is clearly against gay marriage (according to the LDS Church), even he, I don't think, would be in the right to outlaw one's agency to make such a decision. "As I recall, that was Satan's plan," replied my good friend. As far as our Eternal Progression is considered, it is more important that we obey the laws of the land in which we live, as long as said laws do not impede or intercept our religious morals and principals. By ALLOWING actions that might go against our spiritual beliefs, it doesn't mean we are REQUIRED to do something that will hinder our spiritual progression. It only gives us more of an opportunity to realize what is most important to us. We are more likely, in my opinion, to grow and become stronger, when we are surrounded by people who are socially, ethically, and morally different from ourselves. That doesn't mean we should make friends with people who will make it easier for us to "fall." In fact, if we are truely "converted" to our beliefs (whatever they may be), we just might be more able to make the right decisions when the opportunity arises.In conclusion, my view of politics is a little more educated. I think government should stay out of business and let individual corporations grow as they will. I also personally believe in the true separation of church and state. Although, removing "under God" from the Pledge of Allegience is far too much for me. But, I think that by giving me the chance to make my own social decisions, I just might be able to become a little stronger. The fact that there are too many people in this world who will look you in the eye and stab you in the back at the same time makes it hard for socialist governments to work. In a world with perfect people, a socialistic or even communist-esque society, just might prove effective"


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