David's 40th Birthday!

Here are some pictures from my cousin David's 40th birthday. All day he said "I'm 40 years old today." So cute, right. Anyway....I wish you all could have been there. It was amazing. I never got to know David as I was growing up. He was raised by a foster family. Now as adults, we are getting to know David. He is really special and you can only feel happy when you are around him. He has manerism like Uncle Gilbert and is loud like Tommy! His foster family loves him very much and even after the parents died, his foster "brothers and sisters" care for him. I didn't know that Aunt Vicki has always been involved in his life, just from the sidelines a bit. I can't imagine the ache she has carried around in her heart all these years. It was a wonderful day of bringing together two families that love David very much.


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