A Great Pot of Soup

Karen Wall had surgery on her knee. So, last night I brought over a pot of vegetable soup, some pillsbury rolls I had in the fridge and a cherry cool whip pie. Nothing fancy at all!! But boy, we had a best time. Couldn't have had more laughs and good conversation if we had gone to a fancy restaurant. I realized that we don't have to go crazy doing nice things for a our friends. Sometimes it is better to KISS, Keep It Simple, Suzanne!! Here's my recipe -- YUMMY!!

Vegetable Tortellini Soup

Olive oil in the bottom of the pot
Minced garlic (spoonfuls)
1 box chicken broth
2 large cans of crushed tomatoes
carrots, zuchinni, green pepper (you can decide what veggies you want)
1/2 bag of spinach

bring it all to a boil

1 bag of your favorite tortellini

It's that simple and cheap too!!


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