One Year of Marriage Down...forever to go!

Jake and I have officially have been married a year! It's been so fun these past few days looking back to where we were a year ago. I was thinking it was so crazy of me to work on thursday, flight out to utah that night and get married the next day. But, it all worked out so beautifully and it was the most amazing day!

It's been such a happy year with Jake.  I'm so glad I made him fall in love with me! haha. We have had so many good firsts... our first place together, our first puppy, our first vacation together, our first cheerleading team (haha) and now our first anniversary. 

We have learned lots, like.... its best to solve all arguments using Google (I'm usually right... poor jake). It is physically impossible for me to keep my clothes off the floor. GPS doesn't prevent Jake from getting lost. No one should ask me questions when I nap! A one bedroom apartment isn't big enough for a NY girl. You should always lock your car at night! Cuddling never gets old! Its ok not to have lots of friends around when you have a spouse that is your best friend!

For our anniversary, We spent a night at the inner harbor in Baltimore. I sent Jake on a mission to find me, and he met me that the hotel. It was really nice to be away even if it was just one night! We walked by the Harbor, and went to a fancy restaurant for dinner! Flemmings!We never treat ourselves, so it was really special to be at such a nice place. Jake counted how many times the waiter made reference to this evening! "Can I get you a drink this night?" "How is your food this evening?" The hostess even brought me a black napkin so it would match my dress! I was like, "the white one is fine!"  But... it was a really special night! Tonight we are going to watch all our home videos back from when we were dating to now, and then eat the "fresh" cake we bought, instead of the fermented smelling one my mom brought down from our wedding reception! haha.

I feel really lucky to be in a marriage with someone like Jake. With him, I know we can make it through anything!


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