You Can Stop Worrying!

Don't worry any longer. We found the Tom Tom...All is well.

So Charly is talking full conversations now. She woke up on Sunday and we told her it was Church day. So the first thing she has to do on Church day is get her shoes! She has sparkle ones from her Nana and pink ones from me. Anyway -- after she got all dressed and ready, she stood crying and crying. We couldn't figure out the problem. Did she want a different pair of shoes. Didn't she like her ponytails or her dress. Finally Jess was hugging her and asking her what was wrong and she said "I wanna go." She was upset because she had to wait for the rest of us to get ready!!

Yesterday we were telling her she was a girl, and mommy is a girl and grandma is a girl -- she was really getting it -- then we said that grandpa is a boy and Papi is a boy and she frowned and said "Papi a boy???" hehe -- she was obviously disappointed to find out her daddy is a boy!


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