I Did It!

Tomorrow is my last day at Century High! I did it. It was a really great experience for me....a little taste of what's to come next year. The pics are of my Advanced Student's Iron Chef comp. We have a lime lemon sugar glazed salmon, Citrus Salad, Manadarin Cream Pie, and some other things.

Mom Bry Kristie and I had a lot of fun at Harborfest in VA. It was a traffic filled weekend, but the time with bry and kristie was a lot of fun. Mom and I stayed at mom's Favorite Hampton Inn, and we stopped at Walmart...of course, because what would any trip be without a Walmart stop

Tomorrow I fly out to Utah to get my mini. I am going to spend a day in Logan, and then Fri Jake and I take off for NY...road trip style. Then its back to work. BOCES for me, and Budget Tree Care for Jake.

Is it sept yet??


Laura said…
Geez, you and your mother couldn't look anymore alike if you tried!!!Glad you guys had fun. Did the dishes tase as good as they look?
It was a great weekend! So worth all the nonsense it took to get there. My hair looks pretty good in that picture. I trimmed it myself! LOL
Aunt Julie said…
So those dishes would look great on Aunt Julie's dinning room table (hint hint).

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