Calling All Angels

Today we went to the Temple and as I was in the changing room, Sister Hahn was talking about her experience to the Temple. You probably don't know Sister Hahn. She is Jamaican with a lot of energy. When I was first in training at the Temple - she would snap her fingers at me if I wasn't exactly right as if to tell me to get my act together. Well, today she was talking about on the walk to the temple she saw 2 young girls dragging a large suitcase because the handle was broken. Besides the suitcase they had lots of other luggage with them and it was raining. She helped them drag the suitcase a little and realized they were talking down to the subway, to Grand Central Station and then to the airport. She urged them to take a taxi to the train station but it was too expensive, and since she couldn't take them there herself, she gave them the money and said to get a cab.

It really made me wondering how aware are we of people around us. How willing are we to help?

The scriptures say that charity is the pure love of Christ. Charity is more than a kind deed; it's forgiving, not telling gossip, it's giving the benefit of the doubt, trusting others, not holding a grudge, etc.

This week - let's post about opportunities to give charity. Remember too - if someone shows you charity, you need to pay it forward. Watch the Liberty Mutual commerical, such a great example of that. Love you guys - MOM


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