
Hello my extended family! I absolutely love reading your blogg and staying in touch with all of you! I hope I'm doing this right...let's see...I love, of coures, reading any postings that Jeron writes. I had no idea he was having to head out again for more training. See...I have to read your blogg to find out what my son is doing! And, Jess...I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to our house...BESIDES THE DRAMA (sorry cutie). We feel the gave us a wonderful opportunity to get to know YOU more, which I love. Did you really lose your phone...I've been leaving lots of messages on it just saying how much we miss you! WELL...let's see if this works...LOVE TO ALL OF THE HETTINGERS. You're an awesome family, and we are honored to be a sub-part of it! :-D KISSES TO MY BEAUTIFUL CHARLY!


Yeah! You did it! It's great! Keep us updated with the your going-ons! Is that a word??

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