moms, muffins and mono

actually mom....i hate to be tickled!!!

anyway... I'm sooo happy its Friday! I made over 100 dozen muffins in the past three days in my classes. I thought my mother's day muffin idea would only interest a few people; teachers and some of my students...but no, apparently EVERYONE in that school loves muffins! But luckily it was a big success. I think the students were proud of themselves, and that's what i like to see. So basically, no one show me any muffins in the next year. That would be great.

So, I did all those muffins feeling like crap. When I over do things, and don't get enough sleep, my mono symptoms come creeping back into my life, sore throat, swollen limphnoids, it's been a rough week. I'm going to NY for the weekend, and excited to just relax with the rents and moosey. It it much needed right now.

Well fam, if you need muffins, i'm not your girl. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, expecially messy and mom, two of the best.

love ya all... stacey

ps... i just got offered a job at a high school in maryland, full time, all food classes!!!!!! I'm so excited! I really have to thank God on this one!


Aunt Julie said…
Congrats on your job offer, the school is lucky to get you and school kids are going to love you (who couldn't dont let that go to your head)
Laura said…
I didn't get any muffins...

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