Well, its me again, and i hope you all enjoyed my greeting. I like reading all the blogs with mess. They are very good bedtime stories ha ha. I didn't mean that in a bad way!!!

Ok, i just got out of the field last week and it feels great, but today i recieved some bad news saying that the maintanence team (which is me and the guys) are going to the field again for Dismount training. Dismount training if you didn't know is when a convoy of vehicles is attacked or on patrol and the vehicles can't go any further or the orders are attack and defend on foot. this training is to prevent soldiers from getting hurt on the way out!!! Crazy stuff. Well, were going saturday morning and leaving sunday night. Then after that we have to have another full week of stressful work. To tell you the truth im getting sick of this army stuff. But i gotta deal with it beacause it is my job. It gets to me because i try to stay serious and positive while putting up with all my superiors bull crap!!! Plus there are only like three guys that don't act like twelve year olds. So it gets tough keeping them in line to. With more rank comes more responsability. Our NCO's (non-commisioned officers) really look to me, my buddy jackson, and valera to keep the guys straight. To tell you the truth, i shouldn't complain, because it comes with the job and like i said it is my job. Im so glad and thankful that i can come home to my partner in crime and she is most definatley my stress reliever!!! If i didn't have mess i don't know what my life would be like. Not a good one ill tell you that!!!

On a happier note, i hope everyone had a wonderful mothers day cause i did................ha ha ha........... JK, but I can't wait to get my nice break comin up on the 25 of this month. Mess and I are going to NY. Im so excited. I miss everyone and can't wait to say whats up to my boy ANDREW!!! Hope you've been workin out cause i have. But i miss all the family and can't wait to see you!!! I love you guys, have a wonderful evening and great day tommorrow!!!!


Miriam said…
Cosa...remember what Papi always says...stay focused. Don't worry about what others are doing, but what you're doing to make a difference. I appreciate every single day your decision to serve our country. YOU ARE MY HERO, and I love you very much. I'm so proud of you, cosa.
Aunt Julie said…
Can't wait to see you. Andrew is doing great they just won the school championship in Lacrosse the first time since Lacrosse started in Arlington score 11 to 10 (close game). Senior prom is tommorow (the dance king will strike again). I am very proud of you to make the decision to serve your country. See the 3 of you soon.

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