busy busy busy
So much has been going on in the past few weeks! I have started school. The first few days were overwhelming, just so many students that I want to get to know, and having to make a professional and good impression, and getting all the paperwork right. I have just been exhausted. And now sick. I really like my students. I have an equal amount of 9-12th graders, so its a nice mix. The advanced classes are smaller and I feel like I can relax a little more in those classes. I have 2 girls in each of my advanced classes. All boys. Great isn't it! And they are really excited to be there. I am getting a dance teaching job this week as well... i think. I will be teaching an adult class, and a combo class for 7-11 year olds! No advanced classes for me!! But the director would like me to choreograph for her competting class as well. I will get a free gym membership out of this as well, and the ability to have a studio to choreograph in when I just need to dance! I am also trying to put toget...