busy busy busy

So much has been going on in the past few weeks!

I have started school. The first few days were overwhelming, just so many students that I want to get to know, and having to make a professional and good impression, and getting all the paperwork right. I have just been exhausted. And now sick.

I really like my students. I have an equal amount of 9-12th graders, so its a nice mix. The advanced classes are smaller and I feel like I can relax a little more in those classes. I have 2 girls in each of my advanced classes. All boys. Great isn't it! And they are really excited to be there.

I am getting a dance teaching job this week as well... i think. I will be teaching an adult class, and a combo class for 7-11 year olds! No advanced classes for me!! But the director would like me to choreograph for her competting class as well. I will get a free gym membership out of this as well, and the ability to have a studio to choreograph in when I just need to dance!

I am also trying to put together an after school Dance Club. The students have been asking me about it, and I love someone who WANTs to dance, so I will work something out.

I am also going to the temple this weekend to receive my endowments! Wow! Crazy right! I am excited though. One step closer to my marriage that will last through all eternity!

So...as you can see, I'm really bored! haha.

My shower this past weekend was just perfect! Everyone made it sooo special for me. I can't wait to get my presents this weekend when mom and dad come down! I got the most amazing stuff! I hope our lil' apartment can squeeze it all in! But seriously, I wish the shower could have last all day.

oh, and I can't wait to see Charly! I hope I can focus on getting married with her there! haha

Gotta fight this cold and get to bed! Love u all!


Geckie said…
haha...sure you'll be able to focus, i mean, who cant focus with an adorable little baby around.

your life sounds amazing, i cant wait to come down and spend a few weekends with you and your new hubby.... maybe we can dance again.. casue i've been craving it lately....it's like a drug isnt it!.

congrats on the temple thing.. i am so happy for you stay..you have no idea.

love u sis

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