Maryland...our new home

Jake and I arrived safely in Maryland on Wednesday. It was 113 degrees out the day we got there!! wow.
The area people! haha. I really don't mind. I feel safe in our little apartment. We have been busy buying things, and painting to make it homey. It's been a lot of fun, except we have nothing. Jake wanted to make pancakes the other morning, and we had to go buy all the ingredients, pan and spatula to make them. We are accumulating things now though. Here are some rough pics of what we have been doing. Its still a where to put clothes, or all the random things we have. We will get organized. Jake loves to paint and put everything together. Its cute to watch, but man...the kid won't take a break to even eat!! haha. at this point he has been looking for batteries we bought the other day for about 40 min now. He doesnt even need them for anything. He just wants to know where they are! so funny!!

our living room is black white and beige, our dining room is red white and black as well as our kitchen, our bathroom is black white and grass green, and our bedroom is black white and pink. Our living room and dining room are basically the same room. It will be fun to put a couch and dining room table in the room to fill it up a bit.

My first day was last Friday. It was 6 1-hour workshops. It was pretty painless. This week i work 8-4 every day. I think my time is split between my school and being with the district as a whole. For some reason, I'm not phased at all about school. I am just too excited about Jake and I, and going to the temple. It's hard to think about lesson plans. Luckily I will have lots of time in my classroom to organize it all, and I have a lot of lesson plans from last year. The school is A day and B day. So I will have 3 classes one day, and then a different 3 classes the next day, and then it alternates from there. I think that will be great because i will be able to repeat the same lessons from day to day.

I can't believe all these things are really happening. I am going to be a teacher, and be Mrs. Nelson, and get to LIVE with Jake, and sleep in the SAME bed as him! Right now i am staying at the Weatherbee's..the same fam that took me in last time I was here.

So...Jake and I are now de-virginized....that is IKEA de-virginized! We went yesterday. We loved it. It truely is a wonder. We wish we could have regsitered there. We even got cinnamon buns and 50 cent hot dogs on the way out. We will go back this week and buy our couch!

we need some opinions...shoud we get this couch: in idemo beige

or in a fuzzy velvety black??

we like both. let me know.

Well love you all!!!!! oh..our number is 410-702-7918. Call us! It makes us excited!


Geckie said…
i like the plad one... me and jeron have it in red... even comes with the fun ottomans.
Isn't IKEA friggin amazing.... now you know why me and mom always talked about it

i love what you've done with the place already...let us see pics when you're all finished. love u
Anonymous said…
What a cute place. Stacey and Jake you have such good taste in both decorating and partners. How fun it must be! congratulations. i thought however that you were going to get devirginized after the wedding ;)
I like the plaid! It looks more comfy!

The place is looking great!
Aunt Julie said…
The plaid one is more comfy you can remove the back pillows to make more room when you are cuddled together watching TV.

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