Grand Canyon

Saturday morning we took a road trip up to the Grand Canyon, something everyone should see. We drove the scenic route through all of the small towns, we almost forgot we were in Arizona it was so green and beautiful. Driving through Prescott, we found an auto show going on and had to stop. Amazing old restored cars, new cars and many in between. About six hours from when we left we made it to the Grand Canyon, the pictures of it don't do it justice. Looking over the edge seeing how far down it was and how high we were, it made us think of how small we are in this world, but how all that is here is for us. We came home in time to go to church for our last time in AZ, we are truely going to miss our friends that we have made here. We also had the rare but very exciting opportunity to hear from an Apostle, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Our Church was packed and it was amazing to be in the same room with him. He bore his testimony of latter-day prophets and how greatful he is for one that is strong and dedicated to doing the Lords will. He also talked about how important it is to live the commandments in these times because if we don't these are the things that will keep us from being with our families forever. He said so much, but at the end I felt he was talking to us...he gave us a blessing, for being there and said that because or our faith and obedience our trials that we are going to will work out. I know that through faith and trusting in our Heavenly Father things will work out, in the way that they are supposed to.


YEAH!!! You guys sound like it was a wonderful weekend. And what a treat to end with hearing from an Apostle. Call home when you get a chance!!

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