Journal Entry On Jake (Stacey)

This was written before Jake and I got engaged and I was falling head over heels for him


"It's happening! I'm light on my feet, hanging onto every word of every love song I hear. I think of him before I go to bed and when I wake up, and about a thousand time in between.

I'm falling for him, and I'm not even trying to catch myself on the waydown. I'm basically plumeting through the sky, ready to land hard, fully exposed and vulernable to all the things love has to offer and take away.

The tall, dark, handsome, educated man with a masters, and a drive in business that I've always dreamed of turned out to be the shorter, funnier, better looking, compassionate, stronger and more inspiring man than i could have ever dreamed up.

I didn't realize how much I needed him in my life."


Stacey - that is amazing!! Jodi from work was reading it and said - wow she's like a little poet! I hope you put this out at your wedding receptions!

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