
I paid a lot of tithing today. I knew I had to pay it, but I have been keeping it in a CD, then my savings account to pay at the end of the year. While I was praying about each of you and your individual situations, I felt a strong prompting, that if I paid my tithing, the windows of heaven would be open that we would not be able to contain the blessings. So, with a huge amount of faith, I gave it to the bishopric today. I know the Lord will bless us, more importantly, I know that He has already blessed us. I want each of you to remember this from Isaiah 41:10 -- "Fear thou not....I am with thee, be not afraid...I am your God, yea, I will HELP thee, yea, I will comfort thee, yea, I will up hold ye with the right hand of my righteousness." I know that scripture is true. God does in fact help us and comforts us and he upholds us.


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