Jake's post that got lost

Jake kept telling me he had posted something, but i couldn't ever find it, but I found it under one of my comments. He wrote this email to all his friends to try and get THE WORLD to come together to lower gas prices! He's such a cutie.

Jake said...

Howdy all,

This is Jake Nelson. Future luckiest man ever (a.k.a. Stacey's fiance). In an attempt to change the world or just do one little good thing here and there, I've decided to make something known. And seeing as the internet is the quickest way to communicate I thought I'd start here. I'm a regular guy from Pleasant Grove, Utah. I, like most of you, enjoy a good relaxing drive on a sunday afternoon. But the only problem today is that the oil companies have a rope around our necks allowing us to go only as far as our wallets will allow. Remember when a 20 dollar bill would fill up our tank and buy us a bag of Cheetos and a Sprite (a good sized one)? But, ever since the initial raise in gas prices over the last few years these companies have kept them as high as they are, simply because they can. We pay a minimum of $2.75/gallon (in some cases $4.00 or more) because we really have no other choice. When will prices go down? It depends on when people decide to do something about it. I was listening to a news-radio station a little while ago and this very topic came up, as it has many times since, and the host had the idea that he'd set a date to have all his listeners decide to 'stand up', in a sense, and not purchase anything at all from a gas station anywhere for the whole day. I acted on it. I don't know how many others did as well, but I'm sure it made somewhat of a difference. So I thought I'd conduct the same thing. On Thursday May 10 and May 17 please join me in an attempt to make an impact on these overwhelming gas prices. As a small part of society we should be able make ourselves heard. Just like the bus boycotts and restaurant sit-ins of the late 20th century and many other big acts by small individuals made to be heard, even today, lets try to do something that matters. If you are filthy rich and don't mind offering up your first born child to the co-wealthy gas gods or simply don't think that continuously skyrocketing gas prices has much of an influence on you then don't mind my attempts to try to make things as they should be. If you do think that something should be done about it please send this to 5 or 10 people youthink might feel the same way (just to get the word out) and remember May 10 and 17. This is our time to shine. Spread the word. Your friend... or future family member,


p.s. this email was originally an email I sent out to friends and family.


Geckie said…
ha.... he sounds so official.. a real man that means business. You've got you hands full for the next..infinity years stace!

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