Miss Charly Michelle

So, today was charly's Doctors visit.

She had to get 3 shots. Screamed for a few second then was smiling in no time.She is now 14 pounds and 25 inches long. A long way from 6.9 Pounds and 18 1/2 inches long. Crazy she is 5 months old already next month she'll be half a year old!

It's funny thinking last year around this time I was still in Utah ,throwing up every day and everything. I couln't keep anything down and had ZERO Apetite ( i wish that was still the case.. ha jk) I remember thinking to myself.... how in the world am I going to be a mother....I remember being scared.....But that all changed the second I saw her face. It was new and exciting. I learned new things everyday and am still learning. But it comes easy and I am thankful for that.I know people doubted me as a mother and a wife, But i hope i have proved them all wrong.

She's got such a funny personality. Today she acctually reached for me when the nurse was holding her. She loves her mama

I Feel like the luckiest peron in the world to have been sent such a beautiful little girl, and a best friend. I cherish the time i get to spend with her now. Nothing like watching your child grow and learn.

I love her to pieces, and her papi too.

"In my daughter's eyes, I am a hero.I am strong and wise,And I know no fear.But the truth is plain to see:She was sent to rescue me,I see who I wanna be, in my daughter's eyes.

And when she wraps her hand around my finger,Oh, it puts a smile in my heart.Everything becomes a little clearer.I realize what life is all about.It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough;It's givin' more when you feel like givin' up.I've seen the light: it's in my daughter's eyes."


that exactly how I feel about you

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