On A More Serious Note... (Stacey)

I think this is my fav bridal pic. I mean seriously...my hair looks fantastic!!!! haha.

That was beautiful Jess, but on a more serious note.... I am so happy Stephanie North Carolina got kicked off the Bachelor. Did you see her dress?!!!! What was she thinking! I really like Bevan. At first I didn't but I see their comfort, and their friendship together, and how she puts him at ease, and it makes me happy! I feel that way with Jake. Luckily I don't have to compete with 10 other girls for his Love!

So remember when I said " If Jake can keep his plant alive for a year, he can have a dog, and then if he keeps the dog alive for a year he can have a baby"? Well, Venus Fly Traps are one of the hardest plants to keep alive, but Jake's Fly Trap, which we named Connon O'Brien, has now officially grown flowers. I didn't even know they grew flowers!! Well, I guess he really wants a baby!

School is good. My intro students got in trouble. They had to do bookwork today! They didn't clean up their labs properly yesterday! I'm sure they will from now on! But teaching is still great.

Went to BODY PUMP today. Feels good to work out. I made a 56 year old friend. She is getting married in two months. She has my number and is going to call me to make sure I go workout! She loves mormons, and thinks I'm adorable. Gotta love that. ( wow... from college to over the hill friends!)

I love you all. I feel God's love for me through being able to be in the same family as all of you.

oh and Jess...you might want to warn Jeron that Jake is going to want Charly time. I don't want there to be a baby fight! haha. Jake said if our kids aren't as cute as Charly, then we will just steal her. ( just in case you were wondering where she went one day in the future)

MWAH! Stacey


Your hair does look great -- you did that yourself?? I love that picture - it shows your personality!

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